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Golden Goddess Body Painting & Styling

Exotic Golden Goddess Body Painting & Total Look Styling (by Laura Millar)

One of my enduring favourites when it comes to body painting and total look styling is 'the golden girl'! It evokes exotic scenes of the orient and all its splendid fantasy...

The photos here are of lovely model Carla (it helps if you have a fit canvas!) with my design for an Art Deco Oriental Dancing Girl (based upon gold/brass/bronze statues from that era).

The venue was MODE (Westbourne Park) in London. My human/living statue was commissioned for a stunning 1920's 50th birthday party.

I have also used this style for Indian events/venues, other London clubs, Greco-Roman corporate parties at 5* hotels abroad and for private 18th birthday celebrations.

As I wonder around shops and go online - I delight in picking up elements for this look.

Here sre some trade secrets:

Nipple covers from an Asian haberdashery shop (I have also made my own from twisting a string of sequins around a cone shape...

Table runners to use as drapery...

Body jewels, brushes and stencils from craft shops...

Body glitter paste cones (Southall/Ebay) plus body paint (Covent Garden/Body Art websites)...

Brass costume jewellery from charity shops and car boot sales...

Christmas tree decorations to use as necklaces...

Gold sprayed floral pieces/leaves for creating a twisted garland head-dress...

Beaded belly dancing/samba belts...

Keep a stock of micro G-strings and double sided boob tape!

If you would like to do a body painting/body art workshop and go on the agency books do get in touch...

(I often employ/pay ex-students to assist me at gigs)

I also have a fine selection of patient models/dancers who are happy to get painted and pose.

Drop me an email with suitable pics and vital stats if you'd like to be considered. +44 (0)7770 991 390

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